Diplomatic Dancing--Stepping on the Toes of Truth
Canada to Rewrite Manual US Criticized
By CHARMAINE NORONHA The Associated Press Saturday, January 19, 2008; 5:07 PM
TORONTO -- Canada's foreign ministry said Saturday that it will rewrite a training manual used by Canadian diplomats that lists the United States as a site of possible torture following pressure from its closest ally.
The department document, released Friday, singled out the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay. It also names Israel, Afghanistan, China, Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and Syria as places where inmates could face torture.
. . . "We find it to be offensive for us to be on the same list with countries such as Iran and China. Quite frankly it's absurd," U.S. Ambassador David Wilkins told The Associated Press on Friday. "For us to be on a list like that is just ridiculous."
He said the U.S. does not authorize or condone torture. "We think it should be removed and we've made that request. We have voiced our opinion very forcefully," Wilkins said.
What is absurd is for the United States to deny what has been proven, time and time again. The physical evidence has been splattered around the world.
If one does not appreciate the reference, one need merely refrain from the act. Pretty simple to me, Ambassador Wilkins.
You got a problem with that?