Do We Have the 'Right' to a Future?
Individually, yes but collectively no. That’s a very quick answer, but it shadows a great many flaws in what we have come to define as our collective society.
Of course we’re going to 'get' a future
Unless we die tomorrow and that might happen individually, but is highly unlikely collectively. But the future falls unfairly heavily on the young and they are not the ones in control. Instead, we’re long on conspiracy and short on theories.
Aging CEOs of major corporations and our representatives in government are unreasonably at the levers of change and yet they have the least skin in the game. Most are going to be dead—or at least retired and out of that game they should have skin in.
They dodder. They call together a committee to produce a report and knit-together a proposal for a law to send down to the Senate to lie among the 450 already sent and not acted upon. That’s the system we live by while we continue to destroy the planetary system.
How does one explain irrelevance to the irrelevant?
Greta Thunberg understands that we’re rushing headlong into becoming just another failed species, but the doddering oldsters who could make a difference are more in love with their retirement benefits than they are with their grandchildren. They love to meet in Paris and lie to each other about meeting their environmental goals over croissants. Greta is not popular in the political world.
I know that to be true because I am of their age, if not their disinterests. Their last sunset upon this earth (as well as mine) will be lovely—made more lovely by the additional particulate matter that colors it.
Their sense of urgency is in suspended animation
Another way of saying their get-up-and-go got up and went. All of which is very cute and adorable, but what does one do when the old fool you don’t trust to drive any more has the keys to the car? And you need to be driven somewhere in an emergency.
You hot-wire the car.
I see demonstrators in the streets
They’re there for Black Lives Matter (and they do), for Women’s Rights (long overdue), the #MeToo Movement and other pressing matters—painting the streets, flying the flags and locked arm-in-arm.
But in the meantime we’re dicking around with whether or not carbon-credits are a good idea while California is burning, our decrepit electric grid is failing and southern cities are becoming too hot to inhabit.
Where is the demand for the Green New Deal?
Can you believe that Lindsey Graham thinks it’s too expensive? Is it comprehensible that the Blue Dog Democrats agree? Is the coalition of these aging idiots-in-charge going to kick the environmental can down the road when “no more time left” was twenty years ago?
Nancy Pelosi (age 80) thinks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (age 31) is too inexperienced and eager to demand the Green New Deal and Chuck Schumer (age 70) agrees with her. And Chuck is the youngest kid on the block.
But Chuck and Nancy were busy with Donald and Mitch
Here’s a news flash for you. Donald and Mitch don’t matter. A job recovery that turns America electric matters.
And there’s one aging old warhorse (age 78) that agrees with Ocasio-Cortez and I’ll whisper his name if you promise not to tell anyone.
Joe Biden
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