"Inside Washington" Carries with It a Strange Kind of Reality
Democrats Confident Despite Low Approval
Paul Kane washingtonpost.com Wednesday, November 7, 2007; 7:57 PM
One year out from the election, congressional Democrats are increasingly confident they can tighten their hold on the House and Senate.
Although public approval of Congress has dipped dramatically since House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took control early this year, Democratic operatives believe they still can expand their majorities in 2008 by running hard against President Bush and his war policies. Republicans are also hampered by mounting retirements of veteran member and a huge disparity in fundraising by the two parties.
"I'd much rather be in our shoes than their shoes," said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. "George Bush and his legacy will be on the ballot."
Confidence is a dangerous affectation, particularly with a Congress that, under Pelosi and Reid, has sunk to five full percentage points below the most dishonored president in our times.
Like liberal and conservative bloggers, politicians within the beltway talk to each other, thus reinforcing a sense of confidence. Confidences built no doubt upon
Caving in to the Mukasey nomination
Inability to pass basic medical care for millions of children
The wimpiness connected with every aspect of Bush's war machine
Lack of sufficient courage to discipline Blackwater
Collective 'fingers crossed' we are not taken to war with Iran
And on and on and on, with chapter and verse too long for this format. But we elected a Pelosi-Reid majority in order to accomplish something, not as a two-year prelude to a presidential opportunity. This nation responds in interesting ways to having its nose repeatedly shoved into the reality of government by highest bidder. Nancy and Harry might want to reflect on that--but I doubt they will.
* For more in-depth articles by Jim on Washington at Work, check out Opinion-Columns.com