Martha Stewart Gets a Free Page One Plug?
It's Martha
Live From Macy's in New York . . .
By Jura Koncius
Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, September 13, 2007; Page H01
NEW YORK -- When Martha Stewart was growing up in Nutley, N.J., she and her mother journeyed to Macy's flagship store at Herald Square to shop for fabrics for sewing projects.
On Monday, some 50 years later, Stewart and her mom returned to the department store, this time as celebrities. There were throngs of fans and paparazzi, and every store window displayed some of the 2,000 items in the new Martha Stewart Collection designed exclusively for Macy's. The 26 window awnings around the store, which occupies an entire city block, were remade in Stewart's signature blue canvas for the opening celebration.
Where is the line here? Jura Koncius is a staff writer for Gods sake. Did Martha pay for this or is it jail-baiting or what?
The Washington Post AT THE VERY LEAST owes its readers an explanation of how it considers Martha front page material in a free plug for her 'new line' in 650 Macys stores.
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