Meanwhile, in the Feet of Clay Department
Bishop Weeks Indicted On Assault Charges
DA: Weeks Made Terroristic Threats To His Wife
POSTED: 3:33 pm EDT August 31, 2007
UPDATED: 3:41 pm EDT August 31, 2007
ATLANTA -- Bishop Thomas Weeks was indicted Friday on charges of aggravated assault, terroristic threats and battery in connection with an attack on his wife, well-known evangelist Juanita Bynum reported that her husband had choked her, pushed her down, kicked and stomped her in the Renaissance Concourse Hotel parking lot on Aug. 21.Prosecutors said a hotel employee witnessed the attack after hearing Bynum screaming outside the building. The employee grabbed Weeks and forced him to stop the attack on his wife, prosecutors said. ______________________________________________________________________- Ah, those evangelicals. When they're not busy gay-bashing, they bash one another.
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