Not Outing Gays, but Outing Hypocritical Gays
The Most Feared Man on the Hill?
For Gay Blogger, Craig's Resignation Is Just the Latest on His List
Washington Post Staff Writer
Tuesday, September 4, 2007; Page C01
. . . To some of the people on Rogers's list, such as former GOP official Dan Gurley, Rogers is "despicable."
Rogers blogged about Gurley, the former national field director at the Republican National Committee, in September 2004. Gurley, as Rogers tells it, had signed off on an RNC flier sent to conservative voting districts that shows one man proposing to another man. "The GOP wanted to scare voters. 'Look what will happen if the Democrats win!' " Rogers says. Gurley, however, says that he raised objections to the flier and that it wasn't his decision.
"What was I supposed to do?" Gurley says in an interview. He adds: "Who does Rogers think he is? God? What gives him the right to bully people around and tell us what to think or how to conduct our lives?". . .
Interesting take on Gurley's part. "What gives him (Rogers) the right to bully people around and tell us what to think or how to conduct our lives?"
What is a hate-ad, prior to a national election, other than Gurley bullying people, telling them what to think and how to conduct their lives?
To me, that's truly 'despicable.'