Sitemap - 2015 - The Dark Side of the Moon

The Ominous Omnibus, a Favored Washington Vehicle

Defining American Conservatism

Christmas for the Homeless—a Cardboard Bed

The US Obligation to Its Overwhelming Power

America’s Short-Tail Diplomacy in a Long-Tail Game

Just When You Thought the Sub-Prime Mortgage Was Dead

The Vulnerability of a Life Online

How Dare We?

Ever since This Anti-Muslim Thing Broke Out . . .

The Real Greek Tragedy is Not Economic

Donald Trump and the Rabbit in the Hat

The 1st European Migrant-Refugee Water Park

War Crimes by Nations

America’s Absurd Relationship With Drugs

Greece: Europe's Defining Opportunity

The Senate May Be Paid to Vote, but the Cost Is Small Time

Europe Turns Toward Fascism

Europe Sows Austerity and Reaps Default


Low-Tide for American Police Departments

Time for another Nixon-Kissinger style trip to Beijing—this time to Moscow

America in Decline? What are you, kidding?

Water is the New Oil

Socialism: Wrap Your Head around it, America

The Black-White American Dilemma

Another take on ISIS (perhaps) being un-stoppable by the West

Austerity, in all its British Glory

Capitalism is not a Zero-Sum Game

Grover Norquist, an Ordinary Guy with more power over Congress than the Koch Brothers

Fracking Our Way into the Unknown

Whose ‘signature’ is on Signature Drone Strikes?

Is America on its way to becoming Greece?

An unknowable Social Future that will certainly be Different

The Days of “That Can’t Possibly Be” are Long Gone

Brian Williams and the days when America had Better Sense

Nothing new here—except a Good Idea

Obama’s Zombie Cat—Healthcare

Austerity never works, for either the One Percent or the Rest of Us